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夜尽天明 12/10/23王永明长老
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珍贵珍珠的奥秘 12/08/23陆敏求弟兄
00:00 / 1:14:44
基督与我的关系 13/03/23陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 54:43
成为感恩的人 11/05/23陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 48:06
保守你的心 10/01/23陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 51:21
活出丰盛的生命 09/10/23王永明长老
00:00 / 1:03:12
圣灵的果子二 09/09/23陈天琪牧师
00:00 / 53:00
圣灵的果子一 09/09/23陈天琪牧师
00:00 / 1:04:07
得着丰盛的生命 09/08/23王永明长老
00:00 / 1:17:53
应当一无挂虑 09/03/23陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 51:17
困境中的守望 06/25/23赖天傑长老
00:00 / 47:44
小组同工培训 06/24/23赖天傑长老
00:00 / 33:14
植堂服事的属灵功课 06/24/23赖天傑长老
00:00 / 53:58
在黑暗中被挽回 06/23/23赖天傑长老
00:00 / 1:12:29
我在这里 05/28/23王永明长老
00:00 / 1:11:04
以神为乐 05/27/23王永明长老
00:00 / 55:09
跟从我教材分享 05/27/23张道州弟兄
00:00 / 47:01
康福教会同工见证 05/26/23王永明长老,张道州弟兄
00:00 / 1:30:04
主耶稣的教导 03/05/23陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 49:05
跟耶稣进城 04/02/23陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 48:13
在家里跟随主耶稣 05/07/23陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 52:33
跟从主耶稣的代价 02/12/23陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 49:39
新年享新福、幸福 01/01/23陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 49:46
基督和我的关系 12/04/22陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 53:14
与神建立美好关系 07/19/22王百战弟兄
00:00 / 1:37:38
有福的人 03/12/23王永明长老
00:00 / 1:08:33
康福教会同工分享 03/10/23林俊丞弟兄
00:00 / 1:47:29
日子近了 07/02/23陈远锋弟兄
00:00 / 46:56


Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4: 10-11

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